Small Business Retreat

Join Small Business Strong in partnership with the Kirstein Business Library & Innovation Center and the City of Boston Mayor's Office of Economic Opportunity & Inclusion on January 24th, 2023 for a free Small Business Retreat designed just for small business owners like you! The Boston Small Business Retreat will feature a team of experts specializing in: Loan & Growth Capital Products Small Business...

Preparing Your Small Business to Survive a Recession

Are you concerned about the economy and what it could mean for your business? You’re not alone. Nobody knows exactly what the economic future holds, and a lot of people are worried about what might happen in the next few months or even years. Join us for a remote panel discussion with industry professionals on...

From Passion to Profit: How to Monetize your Passion

Join our workshop for aspiring women entrepreneurs and learn the essential strategies to transform your dream into a successful reality! Do you have a passion for something and want to turn it into a profitable small business? You're not alone. Many aspiring small business owners struggle to monetize their passions and turn their dreams into...

Pathways to Government Contracting

Minority certifications can open doors for your company as you explore opportunities to do business with government agencies and authorities. Join the Massachusetts Supplier Diversity Office (SDO) in partnership with Small Business Strong (SBS) for an informational workshop regarding the SDO’s diversity certification program. The SDO’s mission is to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in...

Enhancing small business digital capacity

Join us for this interactive and engaging workshop, and learn how to enhance your small business's digital capacity! In today's digital age, small businesses are expected to have a strong online presence. However, for many small business owners, navigating the digital world can be challenging. If you're a small business owner looking to enhance your...

MGCC Inclusive Recovery Grant Program Workshop

Join us to learn about Mass. Growth Capital Corp's Inclusive Recovery Grant for businesses in MA. Disadvantaged Massachusetts small businesses which did not receive an MGCC Inclusive or New Immigrant...