external events

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris in ante ex. Nulla eu sapien malesuada, efficitur odio nec, feugiat augue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc suscipit tellus ac justo luctus, vel iaculis turpis vehicula. Vivamus volutpat sapien non orci mattis egestas. Maecenas dapibus bibendum orci, eget tristique nisi suscipit eu. Vestibulum iaculis congue mauris a...

The Reserved EIDL Advance and the Supplemental Reserved Advance

Join SBS Partner, Mill City Community Investments and Carlos Hernandez, SBA Lender Relations Specialist, to learn about the reserved EIDL advance and the supplemental reserved advance – funds that don't need to be repaid for small businesses most affected by the COVID-19 crisis

Using crowdfunding to raise capital for your business is now easier than ever!

Mass Growth Capital Corporation (MGCC) is partnering with crowdfunding platform Patronicity to make available up to $20,000 of 1:1-matching BizMPower grants for brick-and-mortar small businesses across Massachusetts. Patronicity coaches and Small Business Strong Business advisors will provide free technical assistance to get your project set up. Funds can be used for capital projects such as...

Funding Opportunities for Small Businesses

Funding Opportunities for Small Businesses Feb 17th @ 12pm WHERE- online; register via Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2022-funding-opportunities-for-small-businesses-tickets-259744672307 Do you have a small business and are looking for ways to fund your business?...

Crowdfunding and MGCC BizMPower Matching Grant

Do you have a small business and are looking for ways to fund your business? Join us to learn about funding opportunities available to small businesses in Massachusetts this year...

Information Session – MGCC New Applicant and Inclusive Grants

Title: Information Session - MGCC New Applicant and Inclusive Grants Organization: Common Capital Contact: Emil Farjo Date and Time: Thursday, March 3rdat 3:00-4:30pm Link: zoom.us/j/92621576986?pwd=WENHdm11YXBBZVBpYTdyQ080Z1RJQT09 Meeting ID: 926 2157 6986 Passcode:...