Small Business Strong -Digital Transformation - Business Owner
Information on digital transformation tools and processes for a small business

Resources to Guide Your Digital Transformation

The Digital-Led Recovery from COVID-19: Five Questions for CEOS

A digital future lies ahead. By acting early and being bold and decisive, CEOs can accelerate their digital transformation and reach the next normal sooner.

Is COVID-19 Forcing Your Digital Transformation? 12 Steps to Move Faster

How to create a customer-oriented business and drive positive growth in the age of forced change through COVID-19

Driving Digital Change During a Crisis: The Chief Digital Officer and COVID-19

Chief digital officers play a crucial role in driving the digital changes needed for their organizations to respond to the crisis and prepare for the next normal.

Questions to Guide Your Digital Transformation

1. Do you have a clear view of where the value is going to be and a road map that will get you there?

  1. Do you have a business-led technology road map that reflects new assumptions about your industry and the pace of digital adoption by your customers, suppliers, employees, and regulators?
  2. Does your resourcing—including where your very best talent is deployed—match your digital aspirations?
  3. Does your road map reflect the “last-mile behavior changes” that will be necessary to make your transformation program stick?

2. What role should business building have in helping you accelerate your entrance into new markets or access new customers?

  1. How are you balancing the advantages the large enterprise can provide with the freedom that the new business needs to thrive?
  2. How will the management team measure success—including incorporating the high volumes of customer feedback—of the new business at the three-, six-, and 12-month mark from launch?
  3. What external partnerships are you exploring to build and scale the new business?

3. How can you lock in the benefits of a more agile operating model to increase the metabolic rate of your business?

  1. Are your business leaders, technologists, and control functions working together to continuously deliver incremental improvements (every two weeks) grounded in customer value?
  2. What does “test and learn” look like week to week for each of your strategic initiatives, so that you can capture learning from failure and build on it?
  3. Have you identified which elements of your current way of working you want to preserve and created a plan for doing so?

4. How should you rethink your talent strategy so that you have the people you need when the recovery starts?

  1. Can you articulate why a recent engineering graduate would join you rather than a digital competitor?
  2. Do you have a skill road map that is as detailed as your tech road map?
  3. How are you tracking value at the individual level, and linking the learning to talent and performance management?

5. What investments are the most necessary to create the technology environment that will allow your company to thrive in the next normal?

  1. Is your digital transformation powered by modern software-development methods and delivery capabilities like a tech company?
  2. Do you have robust and federated data governance to enable broad and continuous use of data by the front line and to enrich the data over time?
  3. Are you investing at least as much to build conviction and the ability to act as you are in technology?

Advice for the remote manager

Care about your team members and show that to your team

Protect your team’s priorities and work time.

Give regular feedback so people know how they’re doing

Encourage creative problem-solving

 Clearly communicate expectations

 Help team members grow in their careers and learn new skills

Set your team up to do the work that matters